Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blogging catch up

Well, it's been a while since I've blogged...things have been a bit crazy town here!!

We enjoyed a good week or so in Sydney at Chris' fam's place for Christmas. We also got to catch up with heaps of people and go to the beach so that was pretty Fabbo. Caleb got spoilt massively...he now has what I consider too many toys but at least the toy box (which my dad built for my sister when she was a little girl) not too empty!

We then came back to Wello on New Years Eve and went to a Farewell/NYE party at my cousins as they moved to the NT. The next day we came home to our place in Dubbo had some lunch just the three of us, then my family all arrived to have our "Christmas" which comprised of opening presents then heading to the town pool for a swim, BBQ and then we had the waterslides to ourselves for an hour which was heaps of fun! This was also the day that we announced to my family that I was pregnant again (ohmygoodness!!!)

We also had my sister (Bron) and her family stay with us for a week at around this time...we all headed out to Narromine the Friday after NYE to help my brother unpack a removalist truck.

We had a couple of weeks in Dubbo doing normal stuff then we headed to Forster for a week. My whole family were all heading to Forster for what will probably be our last ever all in Family holiday as from now on either Dad or Phillip will have to be around to look after the farm. It was heaps of fun, we all stayed at different places, mostly in walking distance to each other. We were directly opposite the beach. Caleb learnt to love the sand and eventually the waves. Now we can't keep him out of water if he sees it...this includes puddles!

We came back, had a weeks break then I headed to Wello on the Sunday to go to mum & dad's farewell service at Wellington Baptist Church...there were lots of tears as reality started to set in about my parents leaving Fairholme...a farm that had been in our family for 4 generations (my great grandfather prospected the land). The next day I was helping do some of the last of the packing (more tears) then went to the new farm on the wednesday to help unpack the removalist truck and then stayed a few days to unpack boxes...I've had a few days back on deck which brings us to today...

Lot's of reading...probably boreing reading sorry...but that's the last couple of months in a nutshell for us hence the lack of blogging...besides the fact that any free time has been spent laying on the lounge due to tiredness or nausea from our growing bub!

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