Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Facebook Addiction

Ok, so people need to stop work so that they can continue to feed my facebook addiction. I get on during the day and get really dissappointed when there isn't new mail, wall posts, moves had on Scrabulous, gifts sent and the like! It's like my only contact with the outside world!

I know I sound desperate, and I know I need to learn to get off my butt and doing something constructive like darn socks or something...but facebooking, when other people are facebooking, is so much more fun!

I often hibernate the laptop in the vain attempt to trick myself into thinking that I don't want to do anything more on it...I'm usually back within the hour to see if there are any new developments though.

I'm a bit the same with email too though. But it seems to be even less popular than my facebook page!

It's a sad, sad world that I live in!

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