Well, it's been a while since I blogged...sorry about that!
My latest blog entry is all about the new man in my life, Hamish Blake Waghorn. Hamish was born Wednesday 20th August, 2008 (for all those numbers people out there, that's 20082008 - 20.08.2008).
He's very much a Simmons which is nice because Caleb is nothing like the Simmons part of the family.
Hamish came into the world 10 days earlier (which is fine by me). He was 7lb 3ozs and 49cm long with a head circumference of 53cms. It was a pretty quick labour (only 4 1/2 hrs!!!).
So far he's been a little treasure!!! No screaming, he just grunts for feeds and can even do 5 hours at night between feeds which is lovely!!!
We love him heaps!!!
Caleb thinks he's pretty special too...he definitely thinks that he is meant to be around, making sure that we always comes with us and that we won't leave him in the car or anything! Very special!
53cm head?? please tell me thats a typo!
Okay, breathe Fi...
What lovely boys, and how thoughtful of him to sleep 5 hours in a row!
Oops...yes, that was a typo...make that a 33cm head!!! much nicer!!!
Congratulations Nat (& Chris)!! He's gorgeous!
I have heard a few stories of Caleb's brotherly concern and it has made me all gooey inside. I love happy siblings!
Glad that Hamish is oblidging and there is some time for blogging and other treats for us non-Dubboites to catch a glimpse of the new and improved Waghorn clan.
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