Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Easter is nearly here...no bunny ears for me please!

Well, Easter is nearly here. It makes me wonder how many people eat hot cross buns, give/receive easter eggs and make the most of the public holidays without giving a second thought to the reason we have all these things. It's amazing how people seem to think that Jesus either didn't exist or that he was just some normal man like everyone else yet not wonder why we have the dating system we do and that Christmas and Easter continues to roll around every year.

For me, Easter is a wonderful reminder and opportunity to celebrate the victory God has through the death of his one and only son Jesus Christ. This may sound morbid to some but to those of us who embrace the hope that can only come from following Jesus, we say "Thank you God" and praise him for saving us even though we are worthless sinners!

It's also a great time to help remind each other that the world isn't about us, that we were created for a reason and that someone ALWAYS pays the price for the things we do wrong.

So, when you chomp away at an easter egg or hot cross bun...have a think about why you are doing so!

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