Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Church, Yabbies, Ants, Puppies and eating...my Easter Long Weekend

Well, another Easter has passed again. We had a wonderful weekend reflecting on and rejoicing in the wonder of the cross. We made it to our first "event" church service at Dubbo Presbyterian Church in the 2.5 years of us being here. We went to the Good Friday service which was a combined service which saw a very full building and a great time of fellowship and worship.

After this we had some friends over for lunch and to watch "The Christ Files". This was a great opportunity to learn that about the facts that do actually exist to prove the existence and death of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It was a lovely lunch spent with lovely friends.

Friday afternoon Chris' parents arrived from Sydney. They used Dubbo as a launching pad for a 3 week holiday (yay for them). We spent the weekend talking, playing with Caleb, shopping, eating hot cross buns (both Choc chip & normal) and just some hanging about. Sunday morning we all ventured out to Narromine and went to church with my fam at Narromine Baptist, it was an encouraging service and was really nice to see mum, dad, Phillip & Ruth's new church family. We then proceeded to go out to the new farm.

It was funny, by the end of Sunday we had managed to scare Karen ( Chris' mum) enough to not leave the house. We were telling her just general (and what seemed harmless) stories of events that had happened on the new property in the last 7 weeks...these included stories of large carpet snakes eating chooks, massive echidna's which fill a whole milk crate, many many little frogs that inhabit the garden, mice, rats and geckos. She & Charlie were sleeping outside in the caravan so it was interesting because she wouldn't let Charlie go to bed until she was ready because there was no way she was going to walk out there by herself! Poor lady.

At one stage on Sunday we went down to check the yabby traps and couldn't stand still beside the dam because the banks were literally crawling with massive sugar ants!!! But we got the yabbies required for fishing the next day with the kids and all was well!

Fishing failed...no bites...oh well.

So all in all it was a lovely weekend. We farewelled Karen & Charlie this morning. Chris' comment as we waved goodbye was "I wish we were going on a holiday"...they sound like they are going to have fun campervan in tow, no set plans of where they will stay just hitting the road.

We hope everyone else had a wonderful Easter too!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Easter is nearly here...no bunny ears for me please!

Well, Easter is nearly here. It makes me wonder how many people eat hot cross buns, give/receive easter eggs and make the most of the public holidays without giving a second thought to the reason we have all these things. It's amazing how people seem to think that Jesus either didn't exist or that he was just some normal man like everyone else yet not wonder why we have the dating system we do and that Christmas and Easter continues to roll around every year.

For me, Easter is a wonderful reminder and opportunity to celebrate the victory God has through the death of his one and only son Jesus Christ. This may sound morbid to some but to those of us who embrace the hope that can only come from following Jesus, we say "Thank you God" and praise him for saving us even though we are worthless sinners!

It's also a great time to help remind each other that the world isn't about us, that we were created for a reason and that someone ALWAYS pays the price for the things we do wrong.

So, when you chomp away at an easter egg or hot cross bun...have a think about why you are doing so!

Kevin, please say no to telemarketers!

I have no idea if Kevin Rudd has any power whatsoever over the control of telemarketers, but if he does, I wish he'd put a stop to them. I'm so sick of people intruding into my life & time to try and sell me something I'm not interested in. I don't mind too much about the odd Charity (when it's a legitimate organisation) call but oh my goodness I'm sick of all the others.

Today I had a phone call from Telstra (the second in 2 weeks). The guy on the other end of the phone opened the conversation with "Hi, I'm Paul from Telstra. I want to offer you a better deal to get you to take up a Telstra Mobile phone account". He then asked me how much I spent per month on my mobile (like it's any of his business). So I told him. He then asked what I got for that amount...now I know for a fact that Telstra cannot beat the plans that we are on with 3. 3 can't even beat these plans and won't ever offer them again. So, when I told him the deal he said "well that is a good deal" and hung up on me. Thanks for calling bud!

We have our number on that stop list thing on that website but it doesn't seem to help. The thing that gets me is that you can have a phone call from the same company 3 days in a row. Are they too stupid to make notes on the numbers they call so they don't waste their time and money?