time slots come to eat, drink coffee, do craft and
hear someone talk about the relevance of Jesus in our world and Christmas.
This year our theme was Christmas Table Talk. Our decorating was based around that so we did examples of how you can dress your christmas tables in different themes. I decorated 2 tables (Nativity -Chocolate Brown and Rustic Country). I was really psyched to do it, but then realised as I started to set it out that I have no idea how to decorate a Christmas Table because ours always has too much food on it to have decorations too!
But create I did and fun I had! I'm a bit inspired now to put some extra effort into my decorating this year.
The speaker, Suellen Millam from Orange, did a fantastic job of showing us how we can not dress up and play God, that we need him to be our God and that Jesus is the ultimate thing to think about and speak about at our Christmas Tables...because, let's face it, he is the reason we celebrate Christmas. This has given me the desire to talk more about Jesus at our Christmas Table and make that a priority.
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